Friday, November 18, 2011

We got SNOW!

We were trying to get a flying snowball, but it was hard.
Then finally we got it and it looks like a ball of snow sitting on the railing. It's the clump to the right of the little light pole next to his head. It's actually flying through the air. Sounds like we will have plenty of opportunities to get the perfect shot this winter.
This one is for all the yogis out there.
Today I got frustrated (But Courtney! Yogis don't get frustrated!) when I noticed a big dark mark on the wall. I noticed it because it's eye level. My eye. So as I was having a little verbal rant to my honey about WHO made the mark on the wall and HOW did it get there, and WHY what it so high up, when I realized... it was me. I put it there. OOPS! You know how after you have been doing yoga for so long, you just have those times where you want to do a stretch or pose on or against something to get a little deeper into the stretch, or pose? Well that was me yesterday... between these two walls... in dancer... with my SHOES on. Shame on me! However I did have to laugh at the fact that I wouldn't have guessed that it was my foot that made the mark had I not done the deed. It was a good stretch, but next time... NO SHOES!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


If there was anything you did as a kid that you would love to do right now...
DO IT!!!

(Just don't hurt yourself. TeeHee!)